Tuesday 31 March 2015


With this blog I'm going to take a wee break and focus on something that has been brought to my attention. These are some incredibly amazing  aawwwch moments that were lucky enough to be caught by the camera.

These great  scenes look at some of the what not to do on a ski slope, or should I say what not to do when performing snow sports when you're being filmed on a ski slope.
Just click on the two links below


Well it happens to us all whatever we do in life, we make a mistake and disaster strikes, if you are lucky no one will ever know. But there are a few occasions where we get to see the misfortune of others and what we are all capable of.

I appreciate that this may come as a surprise to many of you who know me but I really am the person that these things to happen to,  and way too often as well. 

I know what you are saying, no it can't be true. The only blessing is I don't have any footage of any of it but I'm sure someone might have caught the odd fall here or there, especially

The one where my instructor decided it would be a good idea that I give the jump slope a try. Well it went well the first week with me landing all the jumps but the second week she thought I should then give the rails a try, this didn't go well as I kept on falling off and by the end of the lesson I was exhausted. My instructor said that I could do the jump to get down the slope for the last run instead of doing the rail, well i did and it didn't go well. I crashed big time, skis everywhere, splits, a few rolls before I crashed at the bottom, both knees popped and to cut a long story short, I couldn't drive for a few months.


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